Monday, October 22, 2012

English Lit 12--Commentaries on Stanzas IV, V, and VI of "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats

After my IB Lit students have revised their in-class commentaries, I will post them here for our mutual enjoyment and enlightenment.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Animal Farm Reflective Statements

All ninth grade students should write a reflective statement (150-250 words) that answers the following question: "How was your understanding of historical and political considerations of Animal Farm developed through the interactive orals?"

Due on Monday/Tuesday, May 21/22 (depending on whether you are a Day 2 or a Day 1 English 9 student).

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reflective Statements on Wonderful Fool Orals

In this reflective statement, try to focus on just one or two of your classmates' orals. Comments on the artwork and connections to the novel would be particularly appropriate. Since you have read the novel, you might think about what you'd like your "supervised writing" to be about. Think "early draft" if you possibly can. . . .

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Medea Reflective Statements

This is where my English A: Literature students may post their reflective statements (300-400 words) on Medea:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Toe in the Water

I've been contemplating a blog for some time now, but I'm such a Luddite at heart in so many ways that I just haven't been able to force myself to get started. After all, I already have a Wikispace for school and a Facebook page for friends and family. Why should I add a blog?

1) I would love to have a place where my students could discuss interesting topics related to what we do in class.

2) Other than "Nicenet," I don't really have a good way for students to be able to see each other's writing. I'm hoping that this will work for them.

3) I would also like to have a place to soapbox about my own opinions on occasion. Facebook is not always right for that.